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Woodsmoke Reduction Program



PRE-SCREEN: Please note in order to quality for a voucher, the applicant: 

(1) Must live in Nevada, Sierra, or Pumas County,

(2) the non-EPA certified wood burning stove or fireplace MUST be your primary source of heat, AND 

(3) the wood burning stove or fireplace manufactured date is before July 1, 1988.


Program Description:

The Woodsmoke Reduction Program is funded by California Climate Investments and administered by local air districts. This program provides an incentive voucher to replace a non-EPA certified wood-burning stove or fireplace that is used as a primary source of heat with either an EPA-certified woodstove or insert, an EPA-certified pellet stove or insert,  catalytic wood stove, non-catalytic wood stove, electric stove heater, or electric heat pump.

An enhanced voucher option is available for people in certain census tracts designated by the State as low-income and for low-income households.  Check the CCI Low-income Map below to see if your residence falls within one of these designated areas:

CCI Low-income Map: 


Applying for a Voucher:

Please call Tasha or Scott at (530) 274-9360 and inquire about an application.

Applicants must submit a completed application to be considered for the program. Applications will be disqualified:
- IF the old device is removed from the home prior to application approval.
- IF the new certified device is purchased before application approval.
- IF any information on the application is false or incomplete.
Installation MUST be completed by a District-approved Retailer.


Find other participating Air District contact information below:


Map showing counties in a region with labels like Shasta, Butte, and Feather River.


Helpful Viewing for Woodstove Owners: 



A logo with text "California Climate Investments" and "Cap and Trade Dollars at Work," featuring stylized blue and green shapes.

The Woodsmoke Reduction Program is administered by the Northern Sierra Air Quality Management District in coordination with other air districts, the California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA) and the California Air Resources Board (CARB).

This project was supported by the “California Climate Investments” (CCI) program.

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