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Gasoline Dispensing Facility - Vapor Recovery

A gas station with a "MINI MART" sign, vehicles including an RV and cars, with a backdrop of a forested hillside.


Most of the Gasoline Dispensing Facilities (GDF) are required to meet the vapor recovery and control requirements of District Rule 213 -220, as well as those applicable California Health and Safety Code Sections 41950-41964, the California Code of Regulations Sections 94010-94168, including the California Air Resources Board (CARB) Executive Orders. The Permit to Operate, issued for each facility outlines specific operating requirements, Annual Testing, and Maintenance and Recordkeeping. The information is to help in the operation and compliance at the facility. The annual testing information is applicable for all GDFs.

Annual Testing

Performance testing and inspection of GDF vapor recovery and control equipment by a certified contractor is required annually (within 30 days of the anniversary of the most recent successful test). Test scheduling is the responsibility of the GDF owner/operator, and the District must be notified at least 15 days prior to the testing. Test results must be received at the District within 30 days of the testing date. All test failures must be noted in the results received by the District. Test notifications and results can be emailed to

Self-Inspection, Maintenance & Recordkeeping for Facilities with Underground Storage Tanks

Routine weekly, quarterly (for facilities with a Clean Air Separator), and yearly inspections of the vapor recovery equipment are required. These inspections, as well as In-Station Diagnostics (ISD) failure alarms, maintenance, and repairs performed, are required to be documented. Forms that may be used for inspection documentation are:

Assist (Healy) System Weekly Self-Inspection Form, Quarterly Self-Inspection Form, Maintenance/Repair/ISD Alarm Log and Instructions (PDF)Balance System Weekly Self- Inspection Form, Maintenance/Repair/ISD Alarm Log and Instructions (PDF)

 District Inspections

Unannounced inspections of GDF equipment and records are performed by the District on a roughly annual schedule.

NSAQMD Advisory Notices 

  March 2025 Advisory Notice for GDFs with Aboveground Storage Tanks (AST) and the Delay of Removal of Expired Systems


May 2019 Advisory Notice for GDFs with In-Station Diagnostics Regarding Cold Starts. (PDF)January 2016 Advisory Notice for Gasoline Dispensing Facilities with Underground Storage Tanks (PDF)



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