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Portable Equipment Permitting & Registration 

Portable Equipment Requirements

In order to legally operate portable equipment in Placer County, the equipment must have a Northern Sierra Air Quality Management District (NSAQMD) permit or a certificate of registration from the California Air Resources Board's (CARB) Portable Equipment Registration Program (PERP). This includes all portable engines and engine-driven equipment greater than 50 horsepower. Anyone operating this type of equipment without a NSAQMD permit or CARB registration is subject to penalties pursuant to Section 42402 of the California Health and Safety Code.

Portable Engines

Portable engines include, but are not limited to, internal combustion engines used in the following:

  • Compressors
  • Concrete Pumping
  • Cranes
  • Diesel Pile-Driving Hammers
  • Dredges on Boats or Barges
  • Power Generation
  • Pumps
  • Service or Work-over Rigs
  • Street Sweeping
  • Tactical Support Equipment
  • Vacuum Trucks
  • Welding
  • Well Drilling
  • Wood Chippers

Portable Equipment Units

Portable equipment units include, but are not limited to, the following portable engine-associated units:

  • Concrete Batch Plants
  • Confined and Unconfined Abrasive Blasting Operations
  • Rock and Pavement Crushing and Recycling
  • Sand and Gravel Screening
  • Tub Grinders and Trammel Screens
PERP Registration 

 View the Final Regulation Order For The Portable Equipment Registration Program (PDF).

 How To Get Into PERP

The Statewide Portable Equipment Registration Program (PERP), established in 1997, has emission standards that engines must satisfy. As a consequence, all portable engines are not automatically eligible for registration. Certified engines which have been tested by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or the ARB and meet the most current federal off-road engine emission standards are eligible for the PERP. Older engines that do not meet the most stringent California emissions standards such as those designated as Tier 1, 2 and some Tier 3 engines will not be accepted into the PERP Program.

Critical Engine Registration Requirements 

June 30, 2014 will be the last day ARB will accept initial registration applications for Interim Tier 4 engines rated from 175 brake horsepower to 750 brake horsepower (bhp).

For initial registration into PERP, all diesel engines must meet the following certification tier levels:

  • 50 to 74 bhp - Final Tier 4
  • 75 to 174 bhp - Interim Tier 4
  • 175 to 750 bhp - Final Tier 4
  • Over 750 bhp - Interim Tier 4

For all power categories - Flex engines certified under the flexibility provisions of Federal 40 CFR 1039625, or CFR 89102, or California Code of Regulations section 2423 (d). Owners of portable engines and equipment wishing to register in PERP should visit the ARB online and download and fill out the necessary forms with all the required information.

Reporting & Recordkeeping

The reporting and recordkeeping requirements vary. If you own a registered portable equipment unit or engine, refer to the operating conditions that you receive with the registration for the specific recordkeeping requirements for your registered engine and/or equipment unit. Required recordkeeping shall be made available to the District upon request.

For more information refer to the PERP Regulation Section 2458 Recordkeeping and Reporting (PDF). You can also find forms to help you meet recordkeeping and reporting requirements.

Inspection Requirements

Within 45 days after initial issuance or renewal of a registration, the owner or operator shall contact the home district to arrange for inspection to be completed within one year of the initial registration or renewal date.


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