Have you had your Chimney Swept?

September 15, 2021
Do you use a wood burning or pellet heating device to heat your home?
Have you had your chimney cleaned and sweep by a professional this year?
September through early November are great times to start preparing for the winter. One important aspect of winter home preparation is to get your chimney sweep by a professional. There are three main reasons you should get your chimney swept before each winter season:
- Keeping you home and family safe
- Provides more efficient home heating
- Can prevent costly chimney repairs
Dirty chimneys can cause chimney fires, which damage structures, destroy homes and injure or kill people.
Indications of a chimney fire have been described as creating:
- loud cracking and popping noise
- a lot of dense smoke, and
- an intense, hot smell
Chimney fires can burn explosively – noisy and dramatic enough to be detected by neighbors or people passing by. Flames or dense smoke may shoot from the top of the chimney. Homeowners report being startled by a low rumbling sound that reminds them of a freight train or a low flying airplane. However, those are only the chimney fires you know about.
The best way to prevent a chimney fire is to have an annual inspection and chimney sweep
The NSAQMD is here to help, if you live in the City of Portola or greater Portola area and have an EPA certified wood stove you may qualify for a FREE Chimney Sweep voucher from one of these three local vendors:
- All-Star Chimney and More! 530-283-3583
- Mac’s Chimney Sweep 530-283-9663
- Tyrus Chimney Sweep 530-927-7459
Contact us today at 530-832-0102 to see if you qualify for a FREE chimney sweep voucher.
Also, check out these two great resources on the importance of chimney maintenance: